Time has been flying off like a bullet from a gun since i headed to the southern part of our holy India. This day (02 Aug) counts on to be the 18th day, precisely, and ya of course i have managed to learn alot of things. Dint know how to start up the blog, i can say i was waiting for this very day to arrive so that i can pen down or rather type down ( :P) a few thoughts running through my mind. A quick flash back shows how i managed to reach Bangalore with the help of two of my great friends, who took alot of care while travelling keeping in their minds that the left half,oh, i mean the left hand of mine was almost, ahem ahem, outta order i can say :D . Well thanks to the nervous system of my body for this :P.
Bangalore (13 days) : Well i have always wanted to live in this city since my inception [;) ]but unfortunately during the course of my journey to the holy land for me i was cursed by a mail that said i had to join office in Chennai. I can say probably this was also one of the reasons for me to just keep myself behind the bars of the house throughout the time i stayed there. I stayed at my bhaiya's house there in Marathalli. Well since the time i had reached chennai i have really started to compare the areas in Bangalore and Chennai where the big giants (IT companies) are located. Bangalore due to bhai i had a chance to visit the place called Eco space where one can find the offices of companies like Cap Gemini, Accenture etc..

In chennai too we have a whole area falling in and around the Old Mahabalipuram Road abbreviated as OMR where the IT sector companies are located. But of course there is a huge difference between the two cities. Of course Bangalore is good for me and anyone coming from the northern part of India. The reason being just the Temperature and humidity difference between the two cities. 13 days at bangalore had been probably the best time i could have spent before i had a go at my corporate life. And of course all credited goes to the bhai log in bangalore. Partying every night, cooking food and playing cards are the things i am gonna miss always. Bangalore really rocks man and is the city to be in. Life there is too easy, in the sense that every thing is just a phone call away. Of course the cost of living is high there but then it matches the standards too. Well Chennai ain't bad either..
Chennai (Since 27th July to Present) : Well i really dont know how long i have to stay here at this place. But yeah i will always keep praying to god that pleace relocate me to Bangalore. Well looking at my office and its building here in chennai did make me rethink bout my prayers. :P
Chennai is not the place i had wanted to reside in or rather Chennai would never itself want a guy like me to live in its territory :P . But i guess god's grace always falls on me and he now wants me to learn to live in new places which can shape my a*****e by screwing me with its bold and beautiful climate and atmosphere :( . Oh god, trust me, i am a good guy, please dont do this to me :( :( .
Well Chennai apart, i think corporate world is not that bad as the impression we had had in our cerebrum. I really enjoyed my first day at my company signing nearly 52 times, ofcourse at 52 different places :) . The induction program was also good for the new trainees there. However today happens to be the 4th day at training but we are yet to start being trained on anything. But even this situation is being worthy as me and batchie's can browse through the net sitting calmly in an air-conditioned room and in turn get paid for that too. Who wont like it...???? :D
Oh sorry, i titled the post as a wait that will never end and wrote something different totally.. well i guess of course one can call it to be a Brainless Reflection :D . But ironically the title suits the post too. Wondering how..?? Well we all have been waiting to get our hands on the corporate life asap, and of course the wait is yet to be over.... I just hope it ends today and we start being fruitful towards our master... :) . Of course i will work as hard as possible and whenever i get a chance to claim my reward i will ask for a relocation. I love my company but i want it to love me as well :( :( . I wil be loyal to it, and expect it to keep appreciation my efforts, not by goodies, not by money but ya by halping me get the Job (On-sight) Satisfaction :) . Hope you got it ;)
Signing off..... but not logging off.. :P